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VR film 'Inside Manus' screening at Cannes Next Film Festival

Imagine having the name you were given at birth replaced with a series of letters and numbers.

Imagine being imprisoned, indefinitely, in a foreign land after trying to escape persecution or death in your home land.

Imagine being unable to see your family for years - unable to feel their loving touch.

Often the realities of detention centres are raw and foreign concepts to most people. For Australians, and the people detained on Manus Island, the truth behind one of the most controversial offshore immigration processing centres in Australia, has effectively been hidden behind a media blackout. Inside Manus, harnesses the immersive power of VR to go beyond the razor wire fences and inside Australia’s offshore processing detention camp on Manus Island.

To tell their stories, Inside Manus envelopes the audience with room-scale, hand-drawn animations, and gripping audio recordings. As you enter the detention camp, three detainees share their experiences in their own words.

Premiering at Melbourne’s International Film Festival, the VR experience gained strong momentum across the international film festival circuit, featuring at New York’s The Future of Storytelling, Cannes 'Next', SXSW, Human Rights Film Festival and more, as well as winning several prizes.

Watch the trailer here or contact me to find out where you can get the room-scale version for HTC Vive or Oculus Rift

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