After winning two gold for Innovative Use of Digital, and Promos and Activations, BCM's Safe DriVR App was also awarded Best of Show at the 2018 BADC Awards, held on Saturday night in Brisbane.
Joint chairmen of judges, Julian Schreiber and Tom Martin of Special Group said, “While the technology involved is getting more and more common in advertising, the entire judging panel agreed this was the best use of VR that they had seen thus far.”
The campaign is BCM and Cutting Edge's response to a brief by The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) to address the fact that speed is killing more people on Queensland roads than ever before. Their five-minute film that takes the viewer on a POV journey through two parallel storylines that ultimately collide, and convey the repercussions that speeding can have.
It is with great honour that this project I was involved in has gone on to win such praise. I worked closely with the agency from script stage to shape the narrative into a format which would work in VR. When the agency put it out to tender, I worked with several well known directors to educate them about the evolving screen language and aimed to remove technical limitations from the equation. On set I was both VR and VFX Supervisor and I did the assembly edit to ensure the viewer would always be looking where we wanted them to look. I was privileged to work with such an amazing array of talents and share some of the knowledge I have acquired in the VR space, to collaboratively create a piece of cinematic VR which ultimately I hope will save lives. Read more about it here in the following links.